Event Date: | 8/20/2021 |
Show Type: | HS |
Club/Event: | WRRSC WSCA Horse Show |
Location: | Oasis Equestrian Center (indoor) |
Time: | 09:00 AM |
City: | 347th Street #7030 LINDSTROM, Minnesota 55045 |
Judge: | Allan Spidahl |
WSCA Judge: | Y |
Contact Name: | Jennell Flodquist |
Phone Number: | 612-817-1714 |
Email: | Merry333@aol.com |
Additional Information: | Indoor arena! Pleasure AM, Games PM; kids run first! We give great highpoint awards and we have fun! Online entry ONLY, no changes at the show. Find our event on Facebook for more info and updates! |
Click here for online registration: | https://fs11.formsite.com/eKSpS1/f00yxpbxsu/index.html |
Before showing, please make an account and add your rider(s)/horse(s) atchampshow.org. WSCA does not approve shows – WSCA approves Judges.
MN State Law: Negative Coggins within 12 months required to enter show grounds. WI State Law: Current year negative Coggins test required to enter grounds.