Elk River Saddle Club

Event Date: 5/30/2021
Show Type: GS
Club/Event: Elk River Saddle Club
Location: Mille Lacs County Fairgrounds
Time: 09:00 AM
City: Princeton, MN
Judge: Lynne-Ellen St. Martin
WSCA Judge: Y
Contact Name: Krishona Martinson
Phone Number: 612-360-4533
Email: krishona@umn.edu
Additional Information: Six divisions for all individual timed event classes (Pee Wee to Senior++), high point and reserve high point awards for each division, jackpot barrels and poles, large parking area, water and food stand on site, spectator seating, digital timer display, rosette ribbons or prizes for each class, and arena drag!
Click here to view online showbill: http://wsca.org/graphics/showbills/ERSCMAY2021SHOW.pdf
Before showing, please make an account and add your rider(s)/horse(s) at champshow.org. WSCA does not approve shows – WSCA approves Judges.
MN State Law: Negative Coggins within 12 months required to enter show grounds. WI State Law: Current year negative Coggins test required to enter grounds.

The event is finished.


May 30 2021


9:00 am

More Info

Online Showbill


Mille Lacs County Fairgrounds
1400 N 3rd St, Princeton, MN 55371
Online Showbill